Drug Mechanism Theory

Today, we are gonna learn short topic about Drug Mechanism Theory.
Basically, rhere are three types of drug mechanism theory. ehic are;

  1. Occupancy theory
  2. spare receptor theory
  3. Rate Theory.
Occupancy Theory
The occupancy theory follw law mass-action. Where state that the magnitude of response is directly proportional to the number of receptor occupied . Based on the occupancy  theory, the maximal response will be achieved when all the receptor has been fully filled with ligand. 

Spare receptor theory
This theory is very simple, where it state that it is not necessary to all of the receptor to be filled to achieved thje maximal respon. The maximal respon can be create even only one of those receptors fill.

Rate Theory 
In order to achieve the maximal response, it is depend on the rate of receptor to be filled with the ligand. It menas that, the more ligand-receptor interaction occur per unit time, the stronger the response create.

okay, that's all for today, maybe inthe next post i'll go to other topic in Pathology section.

Best Regards.

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Definition Of Inflammation

Infalamation is a physiological respon due to injury in cell tissue. Inflammation can be beneficial and also it can be harmful to our body.
 It can be beneficial because, sometimes inflammation activated our immune system to destroy microorganism and prenventing speread of infection.
  It can cause disease when there is abscess in brain and also when there is fibrosis(distort and altered function of tissue)

Infalmmation can cause several effect to our body such as;

  • Prexia - also known as fever where body release endogenous that stimulate by phagocytosis, endotoxins and immune complex.
  • Constitutional symptoms such as anorexia and nausea.
  • weight loss
  • hyperplasia- increase in volume of cell.
  • Haemotological changes-  High erythrocytes  sedimentation rate (ESR) where the erythrocytes cell get rid off from unclotted blood
  • Anemia.

And there are two types of Inflammation which are Acute Infalmmation and CHronic Inflammation.

So thats all for today, in next post we will go mo further into type of inflammation.

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Types Of Necrosis

Necrosis is a morphological changes that indicate of cell death caused by enzymatic degradation.
 There are five types of Necrosis. Which are 
  1. Coagulative Necrosis
  2. Liquefactive Necrosis
  3. Caseous necrosis'
  4. Fat necrosis
  5. Gangrenouns Necrosis
Today we will go on one by one of those types of necrosis.

Coagulative Necrosis

Coagulative Necrosis can be characterized by the forming of glassy eosinophilic appaearance. It is caused by the loss of cytoplasmic RNA and glycogen. The nucleus in coagulative Necrosis will show pyknosis, karyolysis or karyorrhexis. Pyknosis is a thickening that caused by the degenaration of cell  in which the nucleus become shrink and chromatin condense become solid. Karolysis is the breakdown of Nuclues. Whereas Karyorrhexis is a rupture of cell nucleus.

Liquefactive Necrosis

Liquefactive necrosis usually occur due to the enzymatic dissolution of necrosis cells. It caused by the release of proteolytic enzymes from neutrpohils. Proteolytic enzyme help in catalyzes the hydrolysis of protein to become small product such as peptide. It is most often seen in CNS in form of abscess.

Caseous Necrosis

Caseous necrosis will form cheese-like to the infected area. Usually it is caused by infection of mycrobacterial, fungi and syphilis. It also will form as soft and white proteinaceous dead cell mass. The cell that undergo caseous necrosi will be amorphous, menaing that it will be shapeless, no define shape.And the granular eosinophils material surround by a rim of infalmatory cells.

Enzymatic Fat Necrosis

Based on its name, enzymatic fat necrrosis caused by hydrolytic action of enzyme named lipase. It will hydrolyses organ with fat. It is most often seen in pancreas. Hydrolysis of fatty acid react with calcium will produce a chalky white area. It is also known as saponification. 

Gangrenous Necrosis
usually occur in extremities and it is due to physical injury and trauma. There are two type of gangrene which are dry gangrene and wet gangrene. Dry gangrene have no bacterial infection and the tissue appear dry. Whereas wet gangrene has bacterial superinfection and the tissue looks wet and liquefective. 

Extra Necrosis!!!!!

Fibrinoid Necrosis

Seen in the wall of the blood vessel and it looks glassy. A fibrin- like material will deposited within the vascular walls.

ThATS ALL!  in conclusion, necrosis is norhological changes indicative of cell death. ANd there are five types of necrosis. Whic are coagulative, liquefective, enxyme fat, caseous.and gangrenous. Wherea the fibrin necrosi, we cannto seen the death part outside of body, because it is locste inside blood vessel.
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Basic Concept Of Pharmacokinetic

Basically, there are two main component in pharmacology study. Which are pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

 Pharmacokinetics talk about the drug movement into , within and out of the body. Whereas pharmacodynamics talk about what does the drug do to body.

Okay, today, we will focus into pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics involve four main steps. Which are absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Mnemonically as ADME.

Absorption is about the transfer of drugs from site of administration to the systemic circulation. Distribution about the transfer of drugs from systemic circualtion to tissues. And metabolism is a process of biotransformation of drugs. And lastly, excretion will do the remove task inside our body. Excretion will removes drugs from the body whether by renal or hepatobilliary system.

So, that all, the very basic things about pharmacokinetic. In next post, i will go more detail into all of these steps.

Best regards.
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Synthesis And Metabolism Of Noradrenaline

Noradrenaline is a type of neurotransmitter inside our body. It helps us to bring sympahtetic repon to our body such as dilation of pupil, bronchodilation, and lipolysis.

There are five processes of synthesis and metabolism of noradrenaline(NA) which are synthesis, storange of NA, release of NA, receptor binding , and termination.

Synthesis of NA involve several steps that involve the changing of tyrosine to NA. It is start with Tyrosine will convert to dopa by enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Then DOPA will convert to Dopamine by dopa decarboxylase. After that dopamine will convert to NA by dopamine-beta-hydroxylase.

Settle with the synthesis. Then ,Storage of NA. Dopamine will be transport to the vesicle. After the storage of NA in vesicle, the NA will be release to synapses by exocytosis with help of Calcium ion.

Then, NA will bind to protein at the post-synaptic tissue known as adrenergic receptor. 

The last step will be Termination of NA. There are four ways NA will be terminate which are by uptake 1, uptake 2, diffusion, and enzyme reaction.

Okay, that's all for today. in the next post, i will share about some of the enzyme that will inhibit those processes that i mention about.

Best regards,
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