Synthesis And Metabolism Of Noradrenaline

Noradrenaline is a type of neurotransmitter inside our body. It helps us to bring sympahtetic repon to our body such as dilation of pupil, bronchodilation, and lipolysis.

There are five processes of synthesis and metabolism of noradrenaline(NA) which are synthesis, storange of NA, release of NA, receptor binding , and termination.

Synthesis of NA involve several steps that involve the changing of tyrosine to NA. It is start with Tyrosine will convert to dopa by enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. Then DOPA will convert to Dopamine by dopa decarboxylase. After that dopamine will convert to NA by dopamine-beta-hydroxylase.

Settle with the synthesis. Then ,Storage of NA. Dopamine will be transport to the vesicle. After the storage of NA in vesicle, the NA will be release to synapses by exocytosis with help of Calcium ion.

Then, NA will bind to protein at the post-synaptic tissue known as adrenergic receptor. 

The last step will be Termination of NA. There are four ways NA will be terminate which are by uptake 1, uptake 2, diffusion, and enzyme reaction.

Okay, that's all for today. in the next post, i will share about some of the enzyme that will inhibit those processes that i mention about.

Best regards,


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