Definition Of Inflammation

Infalamation is a physiological respon due to injury in cell tissue. Inflammation can be beneficial and also it can be harmful to our body.
 It can be beneficial because, sometimes inflammation activated our immune system to destroy microorganism and prenventing speread of infection.
  It can cause disease when there is abscess in brain and also when there is fibrosis(distort and altered function of tissue)

Infalmmation can cause several effect to our body such as;

  • Prexia - also known as fever where body release endogenous that stimulate by phagocytosis, endotoxins and immune complex.
  • Constitutional symptoms such as anorexia and nausea.
  • weight loss
  • hyperplasia- increase in volume of cell.
  • Haemotological changes-  High erythrocytes  sedimentation rate (ESR) where the erythrocytes cell get rid off from unclotted blood
  • Anemia.

And there are two types of Inflammation which are Acute Infalmmation and CHronic Inflammation.

So thats all for today, in next post we will go mo further into type of inflammation.



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