Drug Mechanism Theory

Today, we are gonna learn short topic about Drug Mechanism Theory.
Basically, rhere are three types of drug mechanism theory. ehic are;

  1. Occupancy theory
  2. spare receptor theory
  3. Rate Theory.
Occupancy Theory
The occupancy theory follw law mass-action. Where state that the magnitude of response is directly proportional to the number of receptor occupied . Based on the occupancy  theory, the maximal response will be achieved when all the receptor has been fully filled with ligand. 

Spare receptor theory
This theory is very simple, where it state that it is not necessary to all of the receptor to be filled to achieved thje maximal respon. The maximal respon can be create even only one of those receptors fill.

Rate Theory 
In order to achieve the maximal response, it is depend on the rate of receptor to be filled with the ligand. It menas that, the more ligand-receptor interaction occur per unit time, the stronger the response create.

okay, that's all for today, maybe inthe next post i'll go to other topic in Pathology section.

Best Regards.


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